I am so very puzzled...yes I know this is pretty normal for me but still. Today was my day to get up with the kids so Husband could sleep in. (Yesterday was my day!)
So what time did I awake? 4:25am. Yep that's what I said. I was awoken before the birds. Before the farmers get up to milk the cows. Earlier then I had to wake up in Boot Camp for Physical training. Earlier than God had intended!!!
Why do my children think this is ok? Silly Pants has pretty much grown out of it. There are days occasionally that he will get up early but it doesn't really bother me, since many days he doesn't wake until 7 or 8. Who woke me this morning??? Mini C! Really child?? I mean he was the one that stayed up till almost 9pm last night. He should have slept till at least 6!! So I had to run and get him, go downstairs and turn on Hi-5. This is his favorite show. I think he would watch this all day long if I let him. No - I do not let him!! Although this morning we watch numerous episodes - yes we have them DVRed! So - today should be interesting. I don't think he will be able to stay awake until noon - when I like him to go down for a nap. Especially since he will be home with Husband. Husband is not that great at keeping him awake at home. He tends to let him fall asleep on the couch. Which really messes up the whole day! Oh well. Whatever happens will happen and I will be the one to make sure it all runs as smoothly as possible. Regardless if I have been awake since before the sun shown down on our home!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Early mornings.....
Posted by Jennifer at 6:33 AM 0 comments
Labels: Early Mornings, why in the world do my children think it is ok to wake up before the birds??
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
I'm Back & hopefully to stay!
So life is crazy - what's a normal week for me?? Here we go let's see if I can get it all out and not forget anything
Monday's - wake up (usually before 530 thanks to my two blond boys) make Husband his lunch and send him on his way, make breakfast for the boys and myself.
Get Silly Pants to school by 9am. Then drive to church for a 915 bible study/time with other adults that will consist of talking about things other than when they need to go potty or that they got hit with a ball.
After that - either stop by Sam's club for a couple of things we may need (or maybe not need), if BF is off then maybe stop there.
Then off to home to make lunch and open the door so Silly Pants can come have lunch with his brothers. Put Mini C down for nap, Put Monkey down for nap, relax for about 15 minutes with Silly Pants and then to put dishes away. After nap really depends on the day. If it's nice then OUTSIDE they go. With any luck Husband will leave work on time at 4. Get home at around 430 and then dinner time! - Yuck, just realized that I have only written for Monday....
Tuesday's - mornings are the same EXCEPT we have to eat 15 minutes earlier because Monkey has to be at PreK at 845am. On days when two are in school - Target is the goal! When I'm down to one then shopping is so much easier! After doing errands and having fun with Mini C it's off to pick up Monkey and get home in time for Silly Pants to get off the bus - then lunch and naps all over again....
Wednesday's - they can be tricky depending on what the date is. Mornings are like those for Mondays - However is the Wednesday 2nd or 4th of the month then it is off to MOPS right after dropping off Silly. MOPs goes up until I have to race home to be there for Silly. Then it's lunch and nap all over again....
Thursdays - those are much like Tuesdays EXCEPT on these days I know Husband will not be coming home at a normal time - meetings he must attend that go till 4 hold him there and then he must help those who are so helpless!! So he doesn't get home till closer to 530/6 - YUCK!!!
Fridays - very nice and much like Wednesday's except no groups or anything planned - that is the day we will usually plan to get together with a friend or invite someone over... If nothing is planned - it becomes a MOVIE day!!
So the week really doesn't sound to bad but that is a week with no extra things - extra things you ask??? oh yes! There are so many things that get stuffed into the week - here are a few examples....
Doctors appointments
Emergency Doc appointments for ear infections, colds or any other infection
House inspections
hair cuts
Going to BF's to install, remove, replace, move or destroy something
The list is endless - these are just the things I have had to do in the last few weeks...
But let me add - with out counting in all the extras that come up on average for a week with no extras - I put the boys in and out of the truck 31 times. That is in a 5 day span - only counting up until the noon hour...and again - no extra events going on.....
So even with the life I lead and the chaos I live in I am going to try to get back to what I had - a blog about all that is going on in my life, my boys life or just plain irritating me and I feel you should all know about it!
Posted by Jennifer at 2:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: lets hope I can find a normal routine to utilize this outlet, life as a chaotic mess
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
So as many of you know - all of you should actually know - husband bought a boat...a fairly large boat. Take a look - see it? Isn't it perdy??
A little history about this purchase - in a fast as lightening speed rendition - Overtime, debt, overtime, sick, overtime, pay debt, overtime, birthdays, overtime, sleep, overtime pay more debt, overtime, consumer debt free, overtime, BONUS, overtime, what to do with bonus, overtime, got cash, overtime, got the boat!
That's it in a nut shell. So what has he decided to name the boat? Ding Ding you guessed it - "Overtime"
So here is the interior of the cuddy - the sink and alcohol stove and the bed/table sitting area. It really is rather cozy and yet spacious! Oh and there's a porta potty as well - not pictured - we debated on if we would use it - but seriously with 3 boys and a BF - it WILL get used. Thankfully we found a nice marina where we will be able to clean out and fill the gas at so no worries!
Here Prits sits with Mini - he LOVED watching the water and all the waves!
She seemed to enjoy it too!
Here Monkey, Prits & Silly Pants are relaxing in the cuddy. No you really can't see Silly as he was curled in a ball under the blanket - sound like a little deja vue?? lol
The only time Husband would share his chair was when Monkey wanted to sit with him. I am fairly certain that if I had asked I could have had a turn - but why do that to the man?
A large part of the time on the boat was spent sitting with the boys "watching" the water. They were utterly fascinated with it. Go figure!
Here was Prits turn with the two big boys. Just sitting there enjoying the waves Husband was making....I am fairly certain she enjoyed watching the water with Mini a bit more!
When she wasn't laying with boys or watching the water with boys - she found a nice spot on the bow to lay and relax and have a moment alone. We picked her up a yoga mat - so she wouldn't fall off the boat...although at one point Husband sped off and I was certain she was going to roll right in the river!
Here is Husband - the captain of the boat - basking in the wonder of what all the overtime gave him!
So be prepared for a summer on the river, lake or even a pond if he can get on it!
Oh and if you wonder - "Jen, why are there no pictures of you?" That would be because I am the only one that takes them - and well I don't really like to sit there requesting them be taken of me - mainly because I love those moments where everyone is just being. So know that I had a fantastic time, loved it and look forward to doing it again!
Posted by Jennifer at 1:12 PM 1 comments
Labels: Husband and his reward, will I have my husband back or will he insist on being called captain all the time
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Crazy day at the Childrens Museum...
Why did we? Because Silly Pants & Monkey had seen that Clifford the Big Red Dog was featured there and wanted to go and see it and play. So we got tickets from Husbands work - don't think I could pay full price for it - just a bit too much - but discounted tickets - I'm in!
here is SIL sitting with Mini at the pretend sand box - it represented Bird Well Island on Clifford - the big boys were unimpressed.
But they did like the music area! Silly on the drums and Monkey on the Xylophone!
The last thing that Monkey wanted to do was drive the bus in the little city. Unfortunately a little boy from a school that was there was not willing to share. When he put the hat down Monkey grabbed it. The boy proceeded to tell an adult and the lady tried to get in my face about it. Sorry - Homey Don't Play That! Don't be telling me about my 3 year old when your 6 year old is bullying the kids on the fake flippin bus! Needless to say Monkey got his turn and left happy! Don't be messing with my sweet little man! =)
This is the final picture in our adventure. Silly Pants was apparently exhausted from our big day and thought he was rest his body on the ledge while we waited for our elevator to arrive. The day was wonderful - much thanks to SIL who went along and had a smile the whole time! got to love my sister!
Oh and if you are finished reading this and unaware that I had posted one yesterday go ahead and catch up! I will attempt to post a new one each day for a full week. today is day 2! Let the boredom entertainment begin???
Posted by Jennifer at 9:32 AM 1 comments
Labels: a great time with SIL and my boys, Children, laps in brain function, obviously need medication
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Mini turned one! - well obviously over a month ago...oops!
Here is the free birthday cake that Kowalski's provides. Mini & Husband getting ready for the chocolate treat he has been waiting one whole year for. It was rather yummy!
Posted by Jennifer at 1:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: Children, Cooper turned one, is he really that big, yes I did forget to update but hello here it is now