Monday, September 22, 2008


Ok you all did it (or at least most of you) growing up you thought your parents (usually a mom) were weird and a little crazy for getting all emotional about you growing up. In my case it was severe - especially when I hit high school and then my last year - can we say the Mississippi? I don't know if the tears ever stopped that year for BF. Hell I don't know if that would have ever stopped had I not had a little rebellion but that's another blog...maybe?? Any hoo...

Silly Pants had preschool today - and yes he had preschool last year and this will be his last. But as I was driving to bring him to class he was talking about school and his friends, teachers and all the things he was going to be doing. Then I realized that he really is a little boy - not a toddler or a little tike or whatever word you be used to describe a child not yet capable of having his own "life" but he is a little boy - soon to be kindergartner. Is that possible? How can that be? Wasn't I just pregnant with him? Didn't he just have his little tiny foot in my ribs? He's not even eating solid foods is he? Didn't he just get potty trained? He can't be my little silly pants - he's can't be. So as I drop him off and go home with Monkey and Mini C - which again is a whole other blog - I get side tracked with all I am trying to get done while he is in school.

Soon the time comes to pick him up. So I'm in line, it's his turn, he jumps in the truck and just starts talking about what he did. "Teacher" wasn't there today but the other teacher was nice, Oh hey mom - I made SMOOTHIES today! They had banana's & strawberries & milk and I got to make them! Then we ate them. They were SOOOO good. Can we make some at home? We had science today too, but I can't tell you what we did - it's a secret now." So after listening to him talk about all of the wonderful things he did - I realize I have become my mother (well at least in that way now) thinking about him starting preschool, realizing I have to enroll him and knowing that now he is at a point where he needs me just a little bit less...makes me cry, tears of happiness, sadness, gratefulness, so many emotions....


Jennifer said...

yea...but your sure a brick wouldn't help slow it down??

April said...

Yours is in Preschool, Mine is in HIGH school!!!