Saturday, November 22, 2008

How big??

So yesterday I got Silly Pants' preschool pictures back. I don't know quite how to describe how I felt. I don't think he looks like he is in preschool - heck I don't even think he looks like my little boy. He looks like a little man - as though he has grown over night and is no longer the little boy that needs mommy to help him with everything.
I look at this picture and realize that this is his last year of preschool - he will be going to the BIG school next year. For the record that scares the heck out of me - I am trying to figure out which school we will put him in...this is a decision that has been weighing heavily on me. I want him to have the best start he can - we had wanted to do private schooling but as we already have 3 boys and most likely will have one more it is not feasible - so I am looking into the schools around here. Thankfully from everything I am reading Burnsville schools are very good and have a high record of achievement...but some how that does not easy my mind. But that is a decision Husband and I will have to make before March.
Regardless of what we decide - he will in fact only get bigger & more independent. As much as that terrifies me - I know that if we do our job the best we can and he becomes a self sufficient little guy that's a good thing....but why is it happening so fast....


Francine said...

What a handsome little man! We can't keep them small, no matter how hard. Found a quote for you to keep the school thing in perspective:
"If there were no schools to take the children away from home part of the time, the insane asylums would be filled with mothers." ~Edgar W. Howe

Jennifer said...

LOL!!! That is great!!!

Jennifer said...

That is not totally true - I don't know that you thought that totally with me! =)

DeAnna said...

wow, watch out that looks like a gratuation picture.(Just Kidding)... It is adorable. I asked Justin if I could put a brick on his head, he of course said NO !!

love you !!