We did it - we got the boys ice skates and took them out. Husband has wanted to do this since Silly Pants was born. I thought that it would be a good idea to wait. (Although looking back we could have started Silly a year ago - but that's neither here nor there)
One Sunday afternoon after church I took Silly to get fitted for skates. Hadn't really planned on buying them...should have told him that. We walked out with a pair for him and a training pair for Monkey - No Mini C doesn't get skates yet. Sorry Husband!
So we took them to a skating rink over by our house to give it a try. I honestly was not to optimistic about it - only because I figured Monkey was too small and Silly Pants does not like "failing" or falling. Boy was I wrong!!!
They both took to it so quickly I was amazed. Ok honestly think about it. Pause and seriously think about it...If you were to picture the first skating experience with Silly Pants wouldn't you think it would go more like - Gets on the ice - falls down - screams - gets up - falls - yells - gets up - falls - crawls off the ice - states I don't want to do this again. Sounds more realistic? Not what happened. Now Monkey - Gets on the ice - falls down - gets up - cries - falls - gets up - tries to hit or push someone - falls again - yells - crawls to the side - starts taking skates off. Totally NOT what happened. I have included both pictures and videos of the wonderful day and how well both boys did on the ice!
After he had
Once he realized Silly had also gotten the hang of the ice he wanted to join him - it was not easy getting him off the ice when we had to leave.
The boys had a puck that they would throw back and forth to each other. They each got their turns and they each had to skate to go get it. Like playing fetch - only they were doing it to each other...
Here's Monkey getting the puck -that kid was great!
Then it was Silly Pants' turn to try his feet on the ice. He was very uncertain - even more so than Monkey. But he went into with excitement and a pretty open mind. I could see him clenching Husbands hand but that didn't last long. Soon, just as Monkey did, he let go and wanted to be free to do it alone. He got the idea of sliding his feet really quick. All he kept wanting was a stick to play hockey (they both wanted one!) but we informed them that we wanted them to be more comfortable with skating and then we would get
them each one. That seemed to tame that desire. Now we just have to keep bringing them skating so that they can get their sticks!
Here Silly is trying to show that he can be silly and skate at the same time. He thought he was so cool that he could skate just like Husband. It was so much fun!!
Here is Silly with his turn to get the puck. He kept wanting to throw it to the far goal. A bit too ambitious for the first time!
Silly Pants getting his turn with the puck!
Here the two boys are taking a moment to regroup before they did their final skate at the end. It was just a joy watching them skate and truly have fun. I can't tell you how many times they each fell and how many times the each just got up and started off again. They both figured out how to get up all by themselves. I was truly impressed with that. It is not an easy thing and well for those little guys it was amazing.
One final video clip before I finish up.
Here they both are hands free of Husband
And we finish this entry with the end of the event. Husband having to get a few minutes on the ice by himself. I took this picture was I was bring one of the boys to the truck. He continued to skate until all the boys were in the truck with skates off - then he joined us in the truck. Not sure if he was skating for the fun of it or if he was just trying to get out of the work involved in getting the boys to the truck and skates off...You be the judge...
Oh how fun! You must be so proud of both of them!
I can't wait to tell Tim that he'll only have to wait 3 years or so before he can teach Baby O to skate :)
I told Tim last night and he was jealous that he didn't get to go with ;) Next time Brian takes the boys out skating if he wants an extra hand, Tim is up for joining them :)
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