Saturday, September 27, 2008

Exercise ???

Tonight I find myself wondering...being that I have 3 young boys & I stay home with them - why? Oh why?? - do I still need to do a scheduled exercise routine to try to lose (or maintain for that matter!!!) weight??? I mean I chase, run, walk, crawl, tumble, carry & drag 3 young boys around ALL the time - so with that why is it so difficult to maintain or lose the weight?

you may ask - what are you eating?? That's a great question!!! Over all I am a pretty nutritious eater - I love whole grains, wheat, fresh fruit & veggies, milk - I prefer those foods over all - not saying of course that I don't love many of the other foods out there.
Anyway back on track...
My normal day of food includes the following....
Breakfast - either a bowl of cereal (honey bunches of oats, Cheerios, not a treat cereal), eggs & toast or pancakes.
Snack - carrots w/ dip, snow peas w/ dip (a new fave!) or a hand full of gold fish.
Lunch - usually a sandwich (PB&J) that's what the boys prefer, or organic mac & cheese (that's a usual meal - we do other things but those are the boys favs) w/ pretzels, milk
Snack - varies I may have a fruit leather with the boys or I may have nothing..I also will admit I once and a while indulge in a dark chocolate Milano....ummmm.......milano......
Dinner - usually a typical family dinner, a protein, veggie, bread or pasta (sometimes both...) milk.
Sometimes but not always by any means Husband & I may have a sweet after the boys go down - but that is maybe 2x a week.

Ok so that's an average day for food....

So I joined LA Fitness - Health Partners gives me back $20 a month as long as I go 12x a month. That is pretty easy to do right? No, not always. I have a regular routine where I go Mon, Wed, Fri. I leave after all the boys are down and work out for anywhere from 25 minutes - 1 hour + a little time in the sauna...very nice....
The trouble I am finding is that lately (more than before) I am so exhausted I don't have the energy to start the truck let alone go to the club. Yes, I would love it more if I could go during the day - but that is just no an option for me...Yes, it would be great to have someone near by that would hold me accountable - in the sense where we both go together and keep the motivation going - but that just isn't possible.

So that leaves me going - not always getting all that I should out of it - being exhausted, staying at a weight I am not happy with & wondering again how this is all possible when I am constantly on the move with my wonderful boys????

Is there no justice?????

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

To Tatoo or Not Tatoo that is the question....

Ok so I am planning on getting a tattoo in October - Bf, Brother & myself are all going to go get one. This is something I have contemplated in my own head for a very long time. Should I or shouldn't I? Do I really want one or don't I? and the ultimate question - "Does it go against all that God as told us in the bible? Will this be only another sin that I will have committed against Him?" I ponder this over and over again. Then I put it on the back burner and just stand back.

I told Foxy about my desire to get a tattoo yesterday...needless to say she was not to thrilled with the idea. Now she quoted scripture and gave me many reasons NOT to get one. Not that she will think less of me if I did but she feels that it goes against His Word. I let her go on about how she feels, and I do respect her opinion and thoughts regarding I already stated I was having my own argument going on about it. But I still want one and need to understand in more depth to what God says about such a thing.

So this morning, again this issue is weighing on me to make a truly final decision that is honoring God before myself. What do I do?? I call the Wise Man. I am greeted with a warm "Hi Jen" and I begin unloading my thoughts unto him. He listens and then replies with (I will do my best at quoting)"My thoughts are this - God specifically talks about tattooing in the old Testament. However when Christ came and gave a new beginning God redefined the rules in which we were to follow. Tattooing was not mentioned. It was not acknowledged in the New Testament. He says our body is a temple to Him and if we are going to do something such as a tattoo then let it be to glorify Him. God knows your heart. So if you are getting a tattoo to glorify Him and you are at peace with that decision then I feel you should do it. It is your choice, just make sure it's not a dragon or a sorcerer across your back - that would not be glorifying to God - I have seen many youth in our own church that have gotten very tasteful tattoo's that glorify God in a a wonderful way =)" I thanked him for being there to talk to, discuss such a trivial thing with and that I was so glad that he was there.
So after that I am at peace with my choice - I will be getting a tattoo in October. I will be fasting the day before in honor of God. The tattoo will be on my body to represent Christ, my faith in Him & that He is my Lord and Savior.

I will post a picture once I have gotten it......

Monday, September 22, 2008


Ok you all did it (or at least most of you) growing up you thought your parents (usually a mom) were weird and a little crazy for getting all emotional about you growing up. In my case it was severe - especially when I hit high school and then my last year - can we say the Mississippi? I don't know if the tears ever stopped that year for BF. Hell I don't know if that would have ever stopped had I not had a little rebellion but that's another blog...maybe?? Any hoo...

Silly Pants had preschool today - and yes he had preschool last year and this will be his last. But as I was driving to bring him to class he was talking about school and his friends, teachers and all the things he was going to be doing. Then I realized that he really is a little boy - not a toddler or a little tike or whatever word you be used to describe a child not yet capable of having his own "life" but he is a little boy - soon to be kindergartner. Is that possible? How can that be? Wasn't I just pregnant with him? Didn't he just have his little tiny foot in my ribs? He's not even eating solid foods is he? Didn't he just get potty trained? He can't be my little silly pants - he's can't be. So as I drop him off and go home with Monkey and Mini C - which again is a whole other blog - I get side tracked with all I am trying to get done while he is in school.

Soon the time comes to pick him up. So I'm in line, it's his turn, he jumps in the truck and just starts talking about what he did. "Teacher" wasn't there today but the other teacher was nice, Oh hey mom - I made SMOOTHIES today! They had banana's & strawberries & milk and I got to make them! Then we ate them. They were SOOOO good. Can we make some at home? We had science today too, but I can't tell you what we did - it's a secret now." So after listening to him talk about all of the wonderful things he did - I realize I have become my mother (well at least in that way now) thinking about him starting preschool, realizing I have to enroll him and knowing that now he is at a point where he needs me just a little bit less...makes me cry, tears of happiness, sadness, gratefulness, so many emotions....

Friday, September 19, 2008

What's in a name....

Ok at the beginning of our lives our parents give us a name...maybe it's a good one, maybe a not so good one...either way it's ours. So looking past that first name we are given, many of us have other names we are called.

I went from being Jennifer at birth to TB, Mouth from the South, Brown Penny Jenny, Mouth - and those are just from when I was little & ones I can remember. Just in those names you can see what my personality was (and probably still is) like.

After that the next one I remember is one I will have my whole life - Sissy. My brother was the first to call me that (or maybe my parents used it and he took it - either way) I think this one holds the most sentiment from growing up. That was a name that was not used in anger, it was always in love (or maybe just like) but it was from my brother to me. Eventually BF would call me it more and then Prits same along and she would use it as well. But there is something there whenever Brother says it, it's almost like a silly way of him saying I love you or just showing he cares...because he doesn't always call me this now - He does use my really name too but when he says Sissy I think I would probably do just about anything for him.

We move on to the next one - Wife (never in a negative way but in a loving & respectful way) & sweetheart. the second of these two still give me butterflies when I hear it. They just remind me of so many good things. Wife is one I take great pride in, I am his wife, I married him and I will be with him as long as we both live. We are in this life together and all that is wrapped up in - Wife.

After that one comes - Mommy, Mama, Mom- these ones always put smiles on my face - especially Mommy. When I hear any of my boys say it - it reminds me of the unconditional love I have for them and the wonder they bring into my life. If I had to hear one name for the rest of my life it would be this one.

Now we come back to one I have had for a while....Sissy. It has gotten a new sweet spot in my heart recently due to the addition of SIL. She has adopted this name for me. And I think it makes me love her more than before. It shows her love for our family and for me ( I guess??) That she is in it for the long hall - and well seems to be ready for the ride! I am glad for this and it brings a smile to my face. =)

now as you can imagine there are names that maybe are a bit unorthodox and slightly inappropriate...but they have there place. I will list them all at once and briefly touch on them to give a quick understanding....Skank, slut, hoe, tramp, B$&*% and whore. Now these names may seem harsh and inappropriate but let me tell you they are not! (when used the right way) We use these as a way to give emphasis to something that we find serious but yet funny - they tend to be used in a sarcastic manner in which is found funny and comical, not offensive and mean. To use any of these names in a mean way would be horrifying and unacceptable. These are in fun!

So as you can see we have many names (these just being mine) and I urge you to think about the many names you have and the meaning behind them......

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Idiot Test.....

Ok I stumbled across the Idiot Test Seriously a fun thing to do and not the easiest!! Oh and it will be really hard if your color blind.....
Please go and try it & let me know how you do....
it is not as easy as it seems......

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I always thought that my boys' laughter was the most contagious...Yet tonight I feel I was proven wrong. Today we finally got it - HIGH SPEED! Woo Hoo! So after BF introduced me to MercyMe's Cover Tune Grab Bag I knew I had to show Husband. Tonight after the boys went down, we went to the computer to enjoy the wonderfulness that is high speed internet.
To start things off I had him watch Thriller - I don't know the last time I heard a grown man laugh with such delight. Just watching him I couldn't stop laughing - I was literally getting a stomach ache from it! He was barely breathing and turning red. It was like watching Silly Pants laugh only bigger, louder, and some how even more wonderful. Is that because Husband is going to be 31 in a few weeks and still gets such joy out of simple things? I don't know but I wish I would have had a web cam or a camera at least - it would have been worth freezing in time....
Thank you BF for that wonderful moment in time where I could see my Husband be a little boy - laughing with his whole body!

Friday, September 12, 2008


Ok if you ask anyone that knows me - speech is nothing I have a problem with. By speech I mean the art of talking - not that of speaking in front of people. (that I have no talent in)
So inherently, my boys (at least the two that can use actual words - and heck the one that can't) have the gift of gab. So you may find it odd that I found it necessary to have Silly Pants and Monkey evaluated for speech problems. Yes, I the big talker - thought that my boys had a problem with speech.
I will start by telling you why I thought this - please hold your comments till the end...
Both of my boys have a problem pronouncing the "L" sound.
Silly Pants has a bit of a stammer with the first word of come sentences & he does this "and this, and this" thing as well
Monkey has what I think is a lisp

So me being the thoughtful, loving, protective (apparently overly), and cautious mom that I am scheduled them both (yes both) to be evaluated at Children's Clinic in Minnetonka. So there we went on Tuesday - me and my 3 boys, with Mini C attached in his carrier to me...
Silly Pants was first, I (with the two other boys) went with into the room to make him feel comfortable and so she could ask me a few questions. I told her that same as I stated above. So off I went with Monkey and Mini C to the waiting room, where there were toys.
Now kind of off on a different direction (I find that this is worth adding - if only for a mental picture that could be rather amusing) While in the waiting area Monkey had to go to the bathroom. So I (with Mini C still attached) took him to the ladies room and helped him go what I found out was the big #2. So he finishes and I do all I can to get him clean and fully dressed again - while Mini C is still on. So we go back to play. 15 minutes later I smell know where I am going with this right??? I check Monkey and sure enough he had pooped again - I'm pretty sure he knew he wasn't finished before but wanted to play with the cool toys that were there - and being the stubborn, task oriented boy (Like BF)(not that I think she would EVER do this) he is dealt with the poop. So then I take him back to the bathroom. There is no baby table in the handicap stall (like most restrooms have) so I have to do this on the floor. Now by this point Mini C is sleeping and I don't dare take him off me - that would be horrid! So I get on my knees in the stall and help Monkey remove his pants and underwear as best as I can without getting him (or me!) all nasty. Of course this was not a small one...this was a big here I am trying to get him clean and still have Mini C attached. I finally get him clean and fully dressed again (In clean clothes!) As we are exiting here comes Silly Pants wanting to know what we were doing. Sure enough Monkey tells him and the speech lady!

So the lady sits down with me while the boys play and tells me that Silly Pants is pretty much just fine. It is very common for boys not to fully develop the "L" sound until almost 6. And the stammer and the other thing are only there because he is.....wait for it....trying to get so many thoughts out at once and needs to slow down....yea I know.. Where did he get that from!
So now that we know Silly Pants is right on track it is Monkey's turn. This one is a bit funnier...

So with him all three of us go in a room and instead of the lady going through different speech and word practices she is showing Monkey pictures. This is a small example of how it went -
Lady "What is this a picture of?"
Monkey "House"
Lady (wanting to be able to see him say it)"What is this a picture of again?"
Monkey " A House I told you!"
Lady"What is the boy doing?"
Monkey "Swimming in Grandma's pool"
Lady "Can you just tell me what he is doing?" (see she needs to see him say it
Monkey "Ugg! I already said it swimming in GRANDMA's pool!"
(Oh and I will add the lady found it all quiet funny)
Lady "What is this a picture of"
Monkey "A birdie in the birdhouse I made for grandma"
Lady "What kind of animal is this?"
Monkey "A BIRDIE in the birdhouse! I already told you!"
Lady "What is the boy playing with?"
Monkey "It's a basketball"
Lady " Can you say just ball?
Monkey " No it's a BASKETBALL"
This goes on like this for 36 different pictures - those are the ones I remember now...but as you can was interesting...
So after Monkey finishes his turn the lady looks at me and actually chuckles...I mean come on now! She then says "Monkey he just fine - the lisp I feel he has isn't really a lisp, it's more of a way he pronounces and he will grow out of it. And as I stated already the "L" sound is normal. If I were to submit this to insurance, the school district - just about anyone, they would laugh. He could have had over 40 more mistakes and still been fine."
So all in all - I have done this to my boys. I and I alone. My talking to fast and running 300 miles a minute have done this. No one to blame but me. How sad is that? I as their mother have caused this? Now you ask - what am I going to do to fix it? Well everything I can - I am going to try to slow down when I talk to them, stop and get down to their eye level every time (or at least a lot more) Let them talk until they are done and wait at least 5 seconds before commenting on it. Anything and everything I can do I am going to do. I do not want this to be a problem for them, (as it has been for me every so often)
Can you imagine - most men - especially my husband, brother and big uncle you have to drag and pull a full sentence out of on most days - and here we will have my boys - talking nonstop as their mother the hell are they going to find wives if the women can never get a word in???
I have to stop this madness now!! God be with me in over coming my biggest personality trait! If not for me - for my boys!!!!

Do I deserve them??

Ok today I had a few reflecting moments while playing with my boys. While I look at them playing and giggling I ask myself "How (or Why) in the world would God trust me with such valuable possessions?" Yes, I am their mother, I gave birth each of them, I fed them and with my Husband we are raising them to love the Lord. However, I also know that they are only on loan to me. That they belong to God and they are His, not mine. So I just wonder what did I do to deserve such beautiful boys to love and raise? Is there something I did? Or maybe my Husband did that deemed us worthy of such a task as to watch over these children?
Now wouldn't they be safer staying with God in his kingdom? Why send them to this earth where there is pain, heartache, violence and hatred? Is it because he knows that I will love them with all my heart? That I would endure endless pain to keep them safe and happy? That we will raise them knowing they are His and that they are cherished by Him? That we will always guide them toward the path God has laid?
As I sat there feeding Mini C and watching Silly Pants and Monkey play these thoughts raced through my mind...but then I realized - I can sit here all day and wonder with amazement at these gifts of God but instead I will praise the Lord each and every day and smile and say thank you because I don't know of a better gift I could have been given.

Just another thought....
If you were to ask BF about this her response would mostly likely be something to the affect "They are gifts to her from Him" (for doing so well with me!) Which I don't know that I would disagree with completely...
But Which ever they are meant - and I believe that all 3 of them are gifts to this world - and will do something amazing here - I am grateful that they are mine and that they can bring sunshine and happiness into all of our lives!

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Have you ever had to go through the day with a headache that just wouldn't go away? That was me today. You may ask - "Did you take something for it?" Thanks for asking I hadn't thought of that - Well of course I took something, but being I am breastfeeding Mini C I am limited to just extra strength Tylenol (which does nothing for me) and Ibuprofen (which unless I take at least 800 mg it does nothing....thank you boot camp for that one!) So aside from taking something stronger and giving my little guy a buzz - I am left with a lingering headache.
Let's go on to the natural methods of helping rid yourself of a headache...
Laying down - tried that, I got almost a whole 2 minutes when I had to jump up to catch someone going face first down the stairs and separate a fight among the capes...
Cold pack on the forehead - this one I actually rather enjoy - cold...nice... oh wait then I have Silly Pants or Monkey showing me every bump, scrape, bruise or owie that they had gotten in the last 2 years that now needs a pack or they might have to go to the doctor....
Dim Lights - ok this one I like too...but when the lights (or room) get low then the monsters come out (oh you didn't know there were monsters? that will be another blog...)
Quiet time- lol lol, you have to be kidding me??? Quiet? What the hell is that? Even on a good day (which my boys have more of those than bad) the noise level compares to an average sporting event.
Last on my list - but certainly not least...Wine! - oh but wait....back to the fact I don't want to give Mini C a buzz or disrupt his learning, brain growth or anything else that may or may not effect him in a negative manner (yea I know I am a selfless mom - I know...)
So what am I left with you ask??
Taking another Ibuprofen, having a glass of water, taking a shower and going to bed before 10pm - and being that this one has lingered the entire day...I won't even be up for any evening activities...which unlike some - I do look forward to......
So I say Good night...well at least the Night part is correct.....

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Lest we forget...

You know what I have found bothers me has become more and more clear to me that now that I am a mom fewer people ask for my help, advice or knowledge. Now what I am contimplating is this - is it because I am a mom of 3 wonderful boys? Is it because I don't work outside the home and bring home US currency? Is it because I have to wait until after 8pm to have a glass of wine? Is it because I am going to be 27 and either I am too old for some or just still to young for others?
Because not so long ago (at least as far as I can remember) people would come to me with questions and things to figure out and the would actually take what I say to heart or apply it. No I am not saying it happened everytime - I am not quite that conceeded - but I definately knew what it I can't remember the last time...wait a sec my Husband has and still does...have to give me credit! But other than that...I mean give me a break....
yes I have 3 boys, and I spend my days doing art projects and going to the park - but I mind is not completely gone.... (dispite what my blog may say......)

The fam...

Ok to start off I will give a quick guide to my family and how they will be referred (mainly so that we can keep a bit of privacy and their identities unknown to people that don't need to know...) Those who need to know...will know.....
Husband, Silly Pants, Monkey, Mini C, BF, Brother, Prits, &SIL

This list compiles the most important people in my life - in no particular order....

An so it begins....

Today I start this blog...I find that there are so many things to say - yet nothing comes to me...