OK so my blond Monkey is a task oriented little guy - you give him a specific task and he will do it till it's done. Example - last Saturday we were at the corn maze at Minnesota Harvest and well in the maze all the corn is still on the stalks and dried out. So Husband took the husk off an ear and gave it to him - the boy walked the entire time (I think he had to switch to a new one at one point) picking the individual corn kernals off the cob - by the time we found our way out and were on the tractor back to the actual orchard he had just finished his second. He was in such a focus - I think I could have offered chocolate and he wouldn't have heard me!
So anyway - we were outside and Silly Pants & Monkey saw the leaves on the ground and said they wanted to rake a pile like Clifford the Big Red Dog - so they could jump in them....Well I got the two rakes we had out and gave each of them one....Below is a photo journal of how it all went...
As you can see from the above - Monkey did the raking - now for HIS reward!
Heading for the pile he worked so hard to create!

throwing the leaves & Rolling around in them...
Watching him was so delightful...apparently to Silly Pants too...because guess who came over and saw all the fun Monkey was having...(he hadn't participated previously because he didn't want to rake)

Silly Pants now gets his hands dirty and helps rebuild the pile so they both can play!

Now they both are enjoying the fruit of their labor. To the left - notice Silly Pants is mid air in the photo!! Well Monkey - he has already landed!! The two of them were having so much fun - I love seeing the way they interact -

This picture pretty much wrapped up the day - the two of them flying high with their energy, their love of being outside, their love of Jesus (Silly Pants yelled on more than one occasion for Jesus to blow on the trees so they could have more leaves!), their love of each other & their love of life!

So as Mini C & I gazed on with smiles and cheers - I know that I need to cherish these moments - let them get dirty, scrape a knee, get grass stains & wrestle because there will be a day - not for many years - that they will no longer play as they do now with each other...yes with hopes they will still play with one another - but it will be in a different manner - more mature, more structured - so we enjoy these days - the weather that is here and the ability to get out and be together! If only I could put a brick on their little heads to slow down the process...
Monkey will be 3 in only a matter of weeks - Silly Pants will be 5 in January - well Mini C is already 7 months....it all flies by.....
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