So finally Husband and I got a date night....we haven't had an actual one since Christmas - when i was pg with Mini C. I have to say it was wonderful - long time coming. It is nice to be able to sit and enjoy a relaxing dinner and talk about things other than - I have to pee, I dropped my crayon, he's sitting to close to me, I'm hungry, I want pop, or any other thing those little boys come up with..
So the night started with BF & Prits coming over to watch all 3 boys...yes all 3 (seriously shocked we got them over here to do it!) Thankfully Mini C ate a little earlier than normal and fell asleep, so he was a no maintenance boy all night. So we left Silly Pants and Monkey to make BF go crazy - because when she is around they NEVER stop...they both get so darn excited and have to have her attention the whole time...any way that could be it's own blog.
So we went to Wildfire (we got birthday gift cards from them so we thought we would try it) (Oh did I mention this was a birthday date night?? His was Oct 5th and mine is coming up)
I was smart and made reservations...good thing I did the wait would have been 45 minutes. So we were seated right away - WONDERFUL!!
So we sit and the waitress brings us some bread and our water. We are looking at the menu and discussing what we want to drink and it hits me......I forgot my ID!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously? I mean my night to relax and have a drink with my Husband and I forget it?? Can we say brainless?? So I am sitting there frustrated wondering what I am going to do - I don't know if they are really strict and ask everyone (I mean I know I don't look 21!! Come on now....don't try to lie) So when the waitress gets back Brian asks her a question about beer - here's my chance....I say "this is so great this is our first night out in 6 months, my mom is with our three boys and well this is a long time coming" Smart huh??? I just layed that foundation for her...I'm a mom of 3 boys (I know I don't look 21) and well need I say more?

So anyway one with the date night story. Husband decided - Surf & Turf..(YUCK!!) Fillet Mignon & lobster tail - The fillet was amazing...didn't try the tail ( I mean it was still in the flippin tail!!!) and a HUGE baked potato. I have the Mushroom crusted pork chops with mashed baby reds. Can we say YUMMY!! The mushroom part was delicious - you could taste the baby bellas & shitake's in yummy.....So we ate slowly with no rush or sense of urgency to leave.
Dinner is over and we are thinking...we're done let's finish our drinks and head out...nope can't do it she brings us the dessert tray and well....they had this amazing apple raspberry skillet pie thing with ice cream and homemade caramel sauce (seriously if you ever go have that!!!) So we order it and sit back....
As we are talking I see who looks to be Drummer Boy with his dad walking our way. So it is - I guess it could be expected being he and Happy Mama live less than a mile away. They are there with his family who is up from Iowa having a dinner - how Happy Mama comes over and we are able to talk for a few minutes before they leave...what a nice surprise...
So dessert comes....oh my....even better than we thought...we just kept eating it...I know we were both stuffed from our amazing dinner but seriously who in their right mind would let a delicious derssert such as that go to waste??? Certainly not either of us!!! So we finished it... Now being that I have not had anything with any major amount of alcohol in it - I was nursing my Mai Tai pretty slowly. So we were able to sit there talking and relaxing for another good while until I finished it....and you bet....I did finish that! And it was gooooood...
So we had a wonderful dinner and when we got home the boys were relaxing with BF and a movie - we put them to bed - then we went to was a really wonderful night and I am hoping we can do that again in a few months!
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