We started the holiday weekend on Wednesday after picking up Silly Pants from Preschool and bringing home the class Guinea Pig, Rosie. The reason I chose this weekend to take her was that Husband and I decided that there will be no pets for the time being in our home. So as a treat we would take Rosie for the long weekend so the boys could have that "experience". They loved it!
Here is Rosie--->
Here is Mini C enjoying her - he wouldn't leave the poor caged animal be!
The boys got such a kick out of her - but I was plenty happy to return her today Having her for the long weekend was a great way to remind us why we don't want a pet right now!
So Wednesday night I wanted to make sure all was set up. We went over to Nurse Neighbors and got some tables and chairs. I wanted it set up on Wednesday - however husband was a bit head strong on waiting. We did it Thursday morning - Mini C helped... Then we got started on the day! Here they all are Thursday morning - can you see their excitement about helping me???
Mini C excited about the new food...Prits wondering what the heck she was doing up so early...
The following is a Pictorial of the day - there will be comments on some and not on others - doesn't mean I don't like or love them - but I mean how much can be said about a person stuffing their face with food?? I think that is pretty self explanatory!
Mini C having his first bite of pumpkin pie! - Silly Pants & Grandpa w/a semi...
Auntie Viking snoozing...picture captured by CK! Don't blame me!
Some pictures of game time - it was a lot of fun! I hope we can do it again...Does SIL EVER take a bad picture?? I mean she's got a goofy visor on!
Prits, CK, Monkey & Silly Pants playing with the race set (CK was pretty obsessed with it!)
Ok - Sunday night was rough. Silly Pants was looking pretty bad & Monkey did what he calls "spill" (aka threw up). So while Monkey was sleeping on the floor upstairs and Silly Pants was sleeping - we were playing with Mini. Husband was eating an orange and want to give Mini C some of it. So I cut it up so he could. This is a little video of how it went...please listen closely - Husband is holding in laughter the ENTIRE time!
We only removed the pictures so you quit whining! Yes, it was a great meal. The pictures of the boys are awesome! the other ones are good too, well, most of them anyway!
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