Monday, December 1, 2008

The last 5 days...

So obviously this past weekend was Thanksgiving - and boy do I have a whole lot to be thankful for (But that is another blog...)

We started the holiday weekend on Wednesday after picking up Silly Pants from Preschool and bringing home the class Guinea Pig, Rosie. The reason I chose this weekend to take her was that Husband and I decided that there will be no pets for the time being in our home. So as a treat we would take Rosie for the long weekend so the boys could have that "experience". They loved it!

Here is Rosie--->

Here is Mini C enjoying her - he wouldn't leave the poor caged animal be!

The boys got such a kick out of her - but I was plenty happy to return her today Having her for the long weekend was a great way to remind us why we don't want a pet right now!

So Wednesday night I wanted to make sure all was set up. We went over to Nurse Neighbors and got some tables and chairs. I wanted it set up on Wednesday - however husband was a bit head strong on waiting. We did it Thursday morning - Mini C helped... Then we got started on the day! Here they all are Thursday morning - can you see their excitement about helping me???

Husband - really not too excited about my prepping...Monkey just wanting food...Silly Pants excited knowing BF is coming!

Mini C excited about the new food...Prits wondering what the heck she was doing up so early...

Of course BF was the first to arrive - While she was helping get the house in order Silly Pants was drawing a picture of her - He even drew her you think it is drawn to scale? One will never know...

The following is a Pictorial of the day - there will be comments on some and not on others - doesn't mean I don't like or love them - but I mean how much can be said about a person stuffing their face with food?? I think that is pretty self explanatory!

Food time!

Mini C loving all the new foods! Auntie Viking, CK & Mini C (in case you didn't know)

Monkey picked out the turkey drum stick!

Mini C having his first bite of pumpkin pie! - Silly Pants & Grandpa w/a semi...

After we ate - we relaxed (well not BF, Brother or SIL - they had to leave - one to clean a house and the others to go to SIL's house) Then when everyone got back we played games - So much fun....everyone got to see Husband's competitive side come out! I hope he didn't hurt anyone!

Auntie Viking snoozing...picture captured by CK! Don't blame me!

Some pictures of game time - it was a lot of fun! I hope we can do it again...Does SIL EVER take a bad picture?? I mean she's got a goofy visor on!

Prits, CK, Monkey & Silly Pants playing with the race set (CK was pretty obsessed with it!)

Ok - Sunday night was rough. Silly Pants was looking pretty bad & Monkey did what he calls "spill" (aka threw up). So while Monkey was sleeping on the floor upstairs and Silly Pants was sleeping - we were playing with Mini. Husband was eating an orange and want to give Mini C some of it. So I cut it up so he could. This is a little video of how it went...please listen closely - Husband is holding in laughter the ENTIRE time!

Hope your Thanksgiving was as great as mine!


April said...

We only removed the pictures so you quit whining! Yes, it was a great meal. The pictures of the boys are awesome! the other ones are good too, well, most of them anyway!