So we decided to make Sugar cookies to start...I put my mixer on the table in the kitchen so that it was at their level and they could really help make them - start to finish. It was such a great time.
With this batch Silly Pants wore my apron (don't worry it was yellow) and he was in charge of turning on the mixer and helping add ingredients. Monkey was in charge of measuring ingredients and putting them in the mixer as well. (Mini C was sleeping through this process)
We got the dough made and let it rest in the fridge for 2 hours. Then it was Monkey's turn with my apron...

I got them each a ball of dough and they went to work. Silly Pants rolled and rolled and seemed to really like the different sizes I have for circles.
I got them each a ball of dough and they went to work. Silly Pants rolled and rolled and seemed to really like the different sizes I have for circles.
Monkey really enjoyed just eating the dough...he did make cookies though...and Silly also ate the dough!
Then it was frosting time - Monkey was not so happy about frosting pictures - he kept taking the bowl and hiding...imagine what he was doing???
Silly Pants on the other hand didn't feel the need to hide...he just stuck his fingers in and had at it!
The ones on the left at Silly Pants' (Like the colors Auntie Viking?? that was all HIM) The ones on the right at Monkey's can you see his quick job - mainly done so he could go ahead and eat them!
On to the next cookie - which actually happened the next day - Gingerbread Men! (Or women...well not in our house at least...or unfortunately...I am all alone...)
So we did not get the pictures taken of the actually preparation of them but these are the fun ones of it! Here Monkey is standing with a measuring spoon filled with the gingerbread dough...It didn't surprise me much that he liked it but it shocked the heck out of me that Silly Pants did. If you know him - he is not much for spice, or anything with a new flavor but hey he loved this!
So during this cookie preparation Mini C was awake and wanting to be Silly Pants got him involved - involved in eating the dough! I thought he might not like it - boy was I wrong. That boy wouldn't let his brother out of him his brother I mean which ever one was holding the mixer blade!
Again, we had to let the dough rest - this time over night. So the next morning we made the cookies after breakfast. That was by far the most fun they had had!!! Here is Silly Pants eating the head off one of his!
On the left is Silly Pants' finished Men. If you look closely you can see the jar of sprinkles he thought the guy on the right needed...Can we say dentist???
The ones on the right at Monkey's - he liked the jumbo confetti sprinkles and the color green (that may have been because I limited him, as he was eating every sprinkle I would give him) (When I say every - I truly mean EVERY)
So this was our first ever full on baking experience with the boys. They had a lot of fun and so did I. I know that they probably ate more of the dough than went in the oven, more sprinkles made it to their tongues then did onto the gingerbread men & that the frosting was more often snuck into their mouths instead of on the cookies...but who cares?? It was fun, creative and they were allowed to be little boys!
They are only this small for a little while and why not let them have fun!
The cookies look so Yummy !!! But the fun had by all really takes the cake !!!(no pun intended)
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