After the excitement of it all we sat down and watched A Christmas Story until it was a little more into the morning and we could go to BF's.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
What a wonderful time....
After the excitement of it all we sat down and watched A Christmas Story until it was a little more into the morning and we could go to BF's.
Posted by Jennifer at 8:10 AM 1 comments
Labels: A wonderful time with family that I love, Christmas, family time
Friday, December 19, 2008
Our first real time playing in the snow...
As husband was clearing the deck off Monkey was playing with the snow on the slife and guessed it - eating it! What is it about kids and eating snow? Unfortunately I just don't remember what the wonder is about that. But hey as long as it's not yellow snow all is well!
Posted by Jennifer at 6:49 AM 2 comments
Labels: family time, the joy of watching little boys play and just be little boys
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Making Cookies....oh my!
I got them each a ball of dough and they went to work. Silly Pants rolled and rolled and seemed to really like the different sizes I have for circles.
Posted by Jennifer at 10:10 AM 1 comments
Labels: a lot of memories made by baking a cookie or two and eating the results, Children
Decorating the Chirstmas Tree!
Finally Monday night we are allowed to decorate the tree. We got the bins out from under the crawl space - which took almost an hour by itself with the boys trying to "help" get the bins...LOL I was on the couch laughing the whole time!
While Silly Pants was sitting on the couch being a potato (LOL) Monkey was helping me and Husband get the tree all prettied up. As we were going through this task Mini C was right there...trying to eat all the ornaments.
Posted by Jennifer at 9:48 AM 2 comments
Labels: can we say silly just sat there while monkey did the work??, family time, What a great family time to have together
Let's help out BF...
OK so BF is a HUGE MercyMe fan...when I say fan that really doesn't accurately describe put it better - she has flown to Florida to see them (after she had been there a month earlier on vacation) She has taken a road trip to Iowa to see them (seriously Iowa???), gone to Rochester and well it goes on and on....So being a MercyMe "groupie" she would also like to be officially labeled a S.L.O.B....what is a SLOB?? "Spectacular League of Bloggers" and well to become one you need people to go from your blog to MercyMe's blog. So I am BEGGING all of you to do this - After you get your entertainment fix from my Blog please go to My Mayhem's. After doing that PLEASE then go to MercyMe's blog from her list. If we all do this for her then she may have a shot of SLOB of the month for December.
I would like to entice you to do this - first - on MercyMe's blog Bart has posted his eight Christmas trees - there are pictures and notes and such...also - on their blog they have what they call Cover Tune Grab Bag which is HILARIOUS!! They sing big name songs and do it with a great bit of humor!
Second - since you will be doing me a personal favor I will give each and everyone of you a dessert of you choice (obviously with in reason - and on a personal -or at least your family size - level) Talk about incentives!!! How will I know if you are doing as I have pleaded with you...? She has a traffic feed - that will give me a good idea as you who is willing to help this charity.
Yes I said Charity - which means you could count this as your good deed for the month! Wow and you get a treat!! That is a nice trade - don't you think?
Thank you for reading this public service announcement...
Posted by Jennifer at 7:41 AM 1 comments
Be prepared...
Ok yes I know I have been slacking in my blog this month...I apologize (I recieved a few concerns that I was interupting entertainment) So I want to prepare you that between today and tomorrow I will be trying to update all that I hadn't posted. So when you come here to be entertained - please make sure you scroll down as there will likely be multiple new postings in one day. =)
So be ready to read - and comment!!!
Posted by Jennifer at 6:55 AM 1 comments
Labels: blogging, The slowness of me
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
This morning was a typical Wednesday morning, we got up and they watched Disney for an hour while I got things moving. BF came over before work (not typical - but not that unheard of either) and sat with us as we ate breakfast and got ready to bring Silly Pants to preschool.
Both boys were terribly excited about the snow - I think that when they see it - it causes their little brains to go into over drive...
So they eat breakfast, we say goodbye to BF and off we go to preschool...
We are driving down McAndrews and Silly Pants is talking about what he thinks he is going to be doing at school today and how he loved having BF there at our house this morning. Then he says it -
"Mom?" SP
"Yes?" Me
"I think you should go to work." SP
"My work is taking care of you and your brothers and making sure you are safe and happy." Me
"But I think you should go to work, so that Grandma & Daddy can stay home instead." SP
How do you respond to being rejected by your almost 5 year old? Seriously - apparently I am taken advantage of by my sweet boy and that maybe I just bore him....Got to love him!
Not sure what to say now...just thought I would post it...if only to give you all humor...
Posted by Jennifer at 1:43 PM 1 comments
Labels: Children, My little boy doesn't want or need me I guess
Monday, December 1, 2008
The last 5 days...
We started the holiday weekend on Wednesday after picking up Silly Pants from Preschool and bringing home the class Guinea Pig, Rosie. The reason I chose this weekend to take her was that Husband and I decided that there will be no pets for the time being in our home. So as a treat we would take Rosie for the long weekend so the boys could have that "experience". They loved it!
Here is Rosie--->
Here is Mini C enjoying her - he wouldn't leave the poor caged animal be!
The boys got such a kick out of her - but I was plenty happy to return her today Having her for the long weekend was a great way to remind us why we don't want a pet right now!
So Wednesday night I wanted to make sure all was set up. We went over to Nurse Neighbors and got some tables and chairs. I wanted it set up on Wednesday - however husband was a bit head strong on waiting. We did it Thursday morning - Mini C helped... Then we got started on the day! Here they all are Thursday morning - can you see their excitement about helping me???
Mini C excited about the new food...Prits wondering what the heck she was doing up so early...
The following is a Pictorial of the day - there will be comments on some and not on others - doesn't mean I don't like or love them - but I mean how much can be said about a person stuffing their face with food?? I think that is pretty self explanatory!
Mini C having his first bite of pumpkin pie! - Silly Pants & Grandpa w/a semi...
Auntie Viking snoozing...picture captured by CK! Don't blame me!
Some pictures of game time - it was a lot of fun! I hope we can do it again...Does SIL EVER take a bad picture?? I mean she's got a goofy visor on!
Prits, CK, Monkey & Silly Pants playing with the race set (CK was pretty obsessed with it!)
Ok - Sunday night was rough. Silly Pants was looking pretty bad & Monkey did what he calls "spill" (aka threw up). So while Monkey was sleeping on the floor upstairs and Silly Pants was sleeping - we were playing with Mini. Husband was eating an orange and want to give Mini C some of it. So I cut it up so he could. This is a little video of how it went...please listen closely - Husband is holding in laughter the ENTIRE time!
Posted by Jennifer at 7:11 AM 1 comments
Labels: A wonderful time with family that I love, Happy Thanksgiving, holiday