So we are planning a BIG family trip to Disney World in Florida. The trip is tentatively planned for Dec 09 or Jan 10. That gives us 1 year to fully prepare and save. That will be no problem. Everything we need is set to save and well - we ARE going - barring any act of God or such. The boys and I made a Countdown to Disney Calendar. So each day they go to the calendar and mark off that day. Yea, I know...over 300 days left...but they love having that visual reminder and well they are just so darn excited.
With me being the craft junky that I am had a thought...let's make a Disney Fund Jar for each of the boys. The thought was then solidified when I spoke to BF and she mentioned that she was thinking of giving Silly Pants cash for his birthday with the thought it could go toward his on Disney stash of cash. Great minds think alike!!
Yesterday we went ahead and made their jars. They had such a great time making them and well are looking forward to collecting money in them. When one finds a penny or a nickle or even one of the fake coins we have around here is finds it's way into a jar.
We started the project with Kerr Jars...the kind you would just use to can fruit or jelly. Then I grabbed our enormous container of cut up pieces of paper and the Mod Podge.* I gave them each a sponge, paper, Mod podge and a jar and told them to go at it. That's what they did...
Here Monkey is Mod Podging, sticking pieces of paper & being his task-oriented self.
SillyPants is being extra careful to do a good job but stay clean!

While all this was going on Mini C was sitting in his chair, snacking, laughing and trying to eat whatever pieces of paper got close enough to him to grab! He really enjoyed watching his big brothers do this project. 
Here is a picture of Silly Pants all done with his project and thinking to himself, "How do I get it full really fast??" Each respective jar has their name on it with Disney Fund. And here is Monkey with his completed jar. Sorry about the picture - he was having a rather weird moment and well...smiling wasn't happening the way it normally did...Got to love him!
Needless to say I made Mini C's jar - well that's not totally correct I did have him "help" me - but that ended when he continually tried to eat the paper...he really doesn't need that much more fiber...

Mini C with his jar, he actually wouldn't let it go once I gave it to him. He was quite funny about it - so he ended up holding it till he finally pushed it to the ground...thankfully they are strong jars!

Silly Pants & Monkey showing off their jars. They were so much fun to watch while they made them. So meticulous & precise. They turned out wonderful and now it's time to find a good spot to put them.
So now when the boys find money it will be a battle to divide it evenly - or just well enough so that everyone gets something that will make the jar jingle. If you would like to help them in the efforts to make their jars jingle feel free - we are out of change!
*a wonderful compound that can be used on just about anything - to make anything - and in turns makes it nearly water proof - allows it to last a lifetime and well just a whole lot of fun to play with and try to think of things to use it with. The boys really love it and I LOVE trying to figure out things to make with it...I wonder if I can buy stock in it....