Wow - I know that many people look forward to the new year - mainly because they are happy to see the previous year leave. I am not one of those people. 2008 was a wonderful gave me so much more then I deserve (I will clarify....God gave me more than I deserve)
I think I am going to reflect on all that I gained in the past year, the memories that were made and the many joys I felt.
January - my little boy turned 4. What a crazy thing to think about. I couldn't believe he actually
turned 4. It hardly seemed possible to me at the time. How could that boy - the one I carried for 38 weeks have turned 4. I watched him grow and learn - he was half way through his first year of preschool. He had a bowling party. He wanted it so badly. Boy was it chaotic...would I do it again..Yep in an instant. Here's a picture of him waiting for his turn to was such a great time - watching him interact with his friends...My little boy turned 4....
March - what a month!! So where do I begin on that?? Well let's start with the celebration of my
5 year anniversary to Husband. 5 wonderful blessed am I to have found such a wonderful who is not with out faults but with so few the are hardly remembered. A man who is an amazing husband and father to our 3 boys. When I look at pictures of our wedding day, all the memories come flooding back as real as he is standing next to me now. To think it has already been 5 years...I don't know what my life would be right now had I not met him...I hardly believe it would be as wonderful and joy filled as it is. These past 5 years have flown by with wonderful memories and so many more blessings. I can only hope that the next 5 will be as wonderful.

For our anniversary we went out to dinner at Tucci Bennuch - the same restaurant we spent out first date at. It was a really good time. In the end we were surprised by wonderful generosity from one of our favorite restaurants - the manager,Kelli, took care of the bill. She said she loved our story, we had shared our story with the waiter, Steve, who was very attentive and friendly and apparently he had shared ti with her. So our night was made even that much sweeter by the kindness of two strangers.
Less than a week after celebrating our anniversary - another very big event happened. The birth of Mini C. What a crazy time. He, much like Monkey, decided to stay in a couple of extra days - maybe just to stay warm and toasty and hoping I didn't notice?? His birth with the topic of much discussion. SIL was pleading with him to stay in or get out before her birthday so that the two of them would not have to forever share the day. He obliged her. He came the day after
. (Your welcome SIL) We actually went into labor at around 2am on the 23rd. As we were leaving to go to the hospital (If I remember correctly - and I am sure SIL will let me know - I believe SIL & Brother came and sat at the house while the two older boys slept - please SIL let me know if I got that right) ANYWAY as were were getting ready to leave Husband twists his ankle - so bad he is limping and really no use to help me walk. We walk into the hospital ER entrance (as it is late) and they offer HIM a wheelchair...Even though it probably was needed he said no - my wife is in labor and continued walking...What a GIVER. So we get up to labor & delivery and I am there for about an hour and they sent me HOME - Hello!?!?!? I know I was in labor. Whatever...So we go home send home the the "sitters." We go to bed and well wake up at 5:30am because well that's the time our two oldest like to get up. Now this day is Easter. Yes technically he was born on Easter - but to clarify - this will not happen again for 205 years. We get ready for the day and head over to BF's house. All the while I am having contractions a steady 2 minutes apart and well they are not fun. So we get there and everyone is sitting down for a wonderful brunch
she prepared. They at the table and me on the comfy chair trying to stay comfortable. Prits is next to me - not doing so well herself (she doesn't handle others in pain very well) she is timing my contractions and giving BF the results. They are just under 2 minutes now, with the pain increasing. So again we decide to call the doctor and see about going back - I mean this is getting a bit much! So Dr. Evil calls back and is telling me I should just hang in there and wait because she doesn't believe I am in labor. Can you guess who takes the phone?? Yep - BF. Now if anyone knows BF they know she don't take S^%t from anyone - especially when it comes to her kids. Dr. Evil tells her that she doesn't believe I am in labor because I s
ound fine on the phone. Oh My!! The woman only met me once and that was 5 years ago....So she goes on to tell Bf that I can go in but she really doesn't think it necessary and maybe I should just wait. Bf goes off on the woman. It was quite funny - so much so that Brother got out of his room to find out what was going on. So finally we decide that since husband is "broken" the he will bring me and the boys home and BF will follow and then she will take me to the hospital and take care of things until they finally keep me there so we know Mini C
will be arriving. So we go, I walk, we talk, I eat ice, and finally they say ok I can stay. So then it was time to find a place for the two older boys. Foxy Mama to the rescue...even though it's Easter she drives down to take care of Silly Pants and Monkey while we welcome Mini C. She then brought them up soon after so they could meet their new brother.Thank you Foxy! Oh - and I must add that Prits decided to be there for the delivery - and watched the whole thing! Surprised me! But I think that it was a good experience for her - she got to see Mini C take his first breath. How cool is that?

May - signified a change in weather (the year was a bit behind and well the weather didn't really start getting nice till May) We kicked off the summer with great food, family and fun at BF's house. Here's just a few pictures of the fun from that month....
Prits with the two big ones...Brother with Husband looking for their Frisbee! (not the 1st or only time)
May was also when Mini C was baptised. He wore the same gown that his brothers had worn - the one made from my wedding dress...and to my surprise there has been no fading or staining
on it. After the baptism when Wise Man walked with Mini C down the center of the church he referred to him as Mini Coop...and well it was perfect - hence Mini C. After the service we invited
everyone back to Bf's house for some food and relaxing. It was such a beautiful day so we were able to be outside and enjoy the weather.
Another event this month was the close of Silly Pants' first year in Preschool. It was a great year.
August - This is the month of our annual camping trip. This year we invited Foxy Mama and her family to join us. What a great time.

Here the kids are fishing...forgot the bait - so caught nothing - still a great time!!!
September - Was the start of Silly Pants' second and final year of preschool. He started somewhere new as his original school closed. Now he is at CDLC and it is AMAZING. His teacher is wonderful and he is always excited to go.
October - We started our family birthday season. Starting with Husband and his 31st birthday. And well a week after that was my 27th birthday - hold on a sec...let me dwell on that a minute...27? Really? Now you may be thinking what does she have to complain about...well I am NOT complaining. I don't mind my age - actually I enjoy it. However it just seems like the wrong number, now i don't say that hoping my age was 20 or something. I just don't know how 27 is supposed to feel. I just see it as a number and well - the number stumps whether or not you understood that brief run off doesn't really matter...because well...I get it...and well I do hope you understand...
October - We started our family birthday season. Starting with Husband and his 31st birthday. And well a week after that was my 27th birthday - hold on a sec...let me dwell on that a minute...27? Really? Now you may be thinking what does she have to complain about...well I am NOT complaining. I don't mind my age - actually I enjoy it. However it just seems like the wrong number, now i don't say that hoping my age was 20 or something. I just don't know how 27 is supposed to feel. I just see it as a number and well - the number stumps whether or not you understood that brief run off doesn't really matter...because well...I get it...and well I do hope you understand...

So after my birthday we had to put a halt on the birthday festivities. Husband's grandfather past on the 26th. He was very close to him and well it was his grandpa. It was sad to have to say goodbye.
Then 2 days later we celebrated Prits' birthday! She turned 15 - hardly seems possible. In high school and getting to be a little le
ss of a pain! Then it was Halloween. Not my favorite holiday...not really a holiday to me...don't care for it much at all. However the boys know what it is and well were terribly excited. As much as I don't care for it - it was wonderful watching the boys and their excitement and the fun they had. The things I do for my boys...
Next - you guessed it - Brother's 20th birthday! Wow. It hardly seems like he ever grew up. I remember when he was little trying to crawl through my door to sneak he is becoming a man and engaged and going to college with a future in law enforcement. Wow...
December - Well we just ended this month - but it too was wonderful - Celebrated BF's 29th birthday and had a great time. (as usual)
Then it was of course our day together to celebrate the birth of our Savior. Nothing like a day with my family!
Yesterday didn't go as planned. We normally spend it with Foxy Mama and her family. However our boys were not feeling well and found out neither was her little princess. So we ended up staying home. Bf decided to come over for a little while to cheer up our house. We all played with the boys until they went to bed (early cause they were not 100%) so then we stayed up and played games and ate and just had fun. She and Prits left around 10 and well I fell asleep on the couch with Husband - he woke me 15 minutes before midnight and well we kissed and went to bed.....
On to 2009 with high hopes, and the light of the Lord guiding our path.
yes sissy you are correct!
Good! I wanted to make sure I gave props to the right peeps!! =)
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