Yep that's right Silly Pants is a whole hand today. A whole foot. The price of a meatball sub at Subway. How can that be? How did time fly by so quickly? Obviously a cruel joke God is playing just to toy with me as a mom.
In a month I will be registering him for Kindergarten. He will be starting school. Can that be? My little boy? Wow...
So this morning I heard him awake and went up there to sing Happy Birthday and well to tell him Happy Birthday (the kid has wanted to hear those words for weeks now) and he was so excited to realize that finally HIS day had come.
For all of the boys on their birthdays I let them choose what we will have for each meal. Last year we had ice cream sundaes for breakfast...yep I let him have it for breakfast. This year he has asked for Fruit Smoothies...I personally like that one much better.***Correction Alert!!!! After writting this we went down to have breakfast....Silly then decided he wanted an ice cream sandwich and a cookie. Yep I gave it to them...there went the smoothies...oh well maybe next year? Unlikely! He has not decided what he wants for lunch yet - most likely some sort of sandwich although after this morning I wouldn't be surprised if he asked for a candy bar. For dinner we are having homemade pizzas. He will make his dough and put on his toppings. That is what he wants so that is what we are having.
BF & SIL are coming for his birthday dinner. Prits is unable as she is ill right now - not a good thing - we pray for a speedy recovery as she is leaving with BF for Florida next week.
Silly is so excited for dinner and I think he is even more excited because in 2 sleeps (that's how we count days) he is having his party. This year we are keeping it low key (last years was not and well the ones to come will be crazy as he keeps getting older) But I think he would be excited if I gave him some balloons and only 2 people came over. He is truly easy to please. We are having over a few family and friends and just celebrating the past 5 years of life of this wonderful little boy.
Well I am going to stop now - as I do not feel like getting terribly emotional this early in the morning...I will just say....
You are truely an awesome MOM !!!
Happy Birth Nikolas !!!
love you
oops I forgot the day.....
I'm really enjoying the music on your blog today. I don't usually get to listen to it at work but I have my headphones on today. I might have to check out Mercy Me & Mark Schultz more :)
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