Saturday, January 10, 2009

Baby signing...

When my boys are big enough to eat food (which I swear is form birth) I teach them how to sign. Mini C has been doing really well at catching on to this.
We started with More, Please, Thank you, water, milk & eat...I think those are the basics...

Yesterday I was in the kitchen getting some things done with Mini C on the floor playing. He sounded as though he was going to be getting upset so I looked at him and asked him if he wanted something to eat (signing "eat") and gave him an arrowroot cookie.
It felt like less than a minute and he was making noises to let me know he had finished (I didn't really believe it as it was so soon...sure enough he had eaten it) so I acknowledge it and he signs for "more". I hand him a sweet potato nibble. He literally takes it from me squishes it with his hands drops it and signs "more." So I hand him another and he looks away. He then looks at me cautiously, as if to make sure I wasn't going to hand him another one of those, and then signs "more" again.
I than hand him another arrowroot cookie and he was happy as can be.

Now normally he loves the sweet potato nibbles...apparently that was just not what he wanted and well he did what he could to express that to me with being able to use words...I found it was very effective...

Moral of this story? Even a baby can say "hell no" to something. It just may not sound the same...


DeAnna said...

wow that's one smart boy, he must take after his Nonny?