Sunday, January 4, 2009

Polar Bear Plunge

So I am taking the Plunge!!! The Polar Bear Plunge!!!
This is something I had wanted to do for many years but hadn't been able to. So this year I am comitting to this. I am going to jump February 28th. I am going to jump into Lac Lavon in Burnsville.
My goal is to raise $1500.00 by that date. I will be working on attaining this goal full force. Any help will be hugely appreciated!

Does anyone want to join me? I would love to have others jump with me!
I think that this is a great cause and well - surprise surprise I think it would be fun as well!

Do I need to make an incentive of my own?? all those who chose to jump with me - The evening of the 28th I will prepare a yummy home cooked meal. It could be a celebratory dinner for the wonderful thing we did by particiapting and rasing money for the Special Olympics!

I challenge all who are not pregnant or ill (physically or mentally) to join me - those who are pregnant or ill are welcome to come on down and watch the event. If you convince your spouses to participate then you too would get dinner (and dessert!)

Please think about all I have said!


Tammy said...

Sorry as I am pregnant and mentally ill I can not jump with you! Although being the later I could jump off a bridge with you??
I guess I will have to stick 2 donation's? Do they take change??